There are many uses for Amber. Anti inflammatory is one of the most popular uses.
I have a very expressive daughter and she’s a lot like me; if she’s happy everyone is happy. If she’s having a hard day well…. Everyone is having a hard day!
I learned about amber necklaces through a friend of mine. She gifted me 2, One for me and one for the babe as a shower gift. As soon as my Little Lovely was old enough to start teething I put it on her. This was my first baby and so since this was my first infant teething experience, I couldn’t really judge how much pain she was being relieved from if any. Then a few months went by and both were misplaced.
After lots of teething time and more and more fussy spells, I really started to think the amber had made a difference. My Little Lovely is getting older and there are new challenges: colds, sniffles, life… I purchased a new one and wow! Truly lightens her mood. Now she wears two, to cover the amber color spectrum. ( I had read some conflicting info about which had more strength, so I decided to have her wear it all).
When I feel like I’m grumpy or getting a cold I put mine on too. Maybe it’s the placebo effect? I’m not sure how to explain my daughters mood change?! I’ve read lots on the energy of stones and I have been known to wear a fertility bracelet. (Especially now that we are trying to conceive another Little Lovely). At the very least your little one looks stylish. I get stopped a few times a day by amber necklace admirers. They all tell me how cute my she looks with her Amber bling.