I am so happy you have decided to share your journey with us! Having a support team is alwasy important while going through something life-changing. Having a positive attitude can make or break your success! Detoxing from breast implant illness is such an important part of the journey! After my explant I started a Non profit , created numerous informative
videos with Plastic surgeons and Holistic Doctors and websites to help share what I’ve learned. These are the personal detox successes that have changed my life as a Woman, Wife and a Mother.
While there are many suggestions listed here none are made by a clinical doctor, suggestions are based off of personal experience. Each person will have different reactions based on preexisting conditions, heredity and lifestyle. As always I encourage you to do your own research to determine whats best for you.
There are many stages and layers to the journey of healing breast implant illness. The number of years you have had implants, the health of the implants as well as the brand and make -up of implant. It seems some implant styles (such as textured) have created a range of symptom severity. Look out for info more and more are being recalled.
When the body goes into inflammatory response, autoimmune issues can become debilitating. “Let food be thy medicine”. Start on the autoimmune diet.
While diet is a HUGE part of how your body will begin to heal, diet alone wasn’t enough for me. I have MTHFR and this gene mutation( or imbalance ) needs a real nudge. One of the side effects /symptoms of this “mutation’ (or some believe a deficiency in riboflavin) means the body doesn’t detox properly. Often times needing binders and methylated B vitamins to become healthier and release toxins easier.
Some believe that detoxing while your implants are still intact is useless. I, however, believe heavy metals are detrimental and can be detoxed with binders at anytime. My fatigue and brain-fog was so crippling Benetonite clay and zeolites! were my only salvation! I suggest pill form for the clay, it tastes awful! ( 25% off discount with code : darbyfit)
Pre Explant – My Salvation Was:

- Benetonite Clay 3 hours before eating in the am. The clay worked as a binder and helped remove chemicals. I had energy after taking it each day.
- Fulvic and Humic Acid! The benefits to this is one of my very favorites! Helps with aborbtion issues, as well as detoxing heavy metals, parasite, candida and chemcials! Find one that is clean and well sourced!
- Can’t Beet This: This is a beet supplement but the combination of ingredients makes it more bio-available and extremely effective. While it is a detox product, it helps with methylation or detoxing . The formulation also has Cordyceps mushrooms which help open up the respiratory system and green tea which is an important antioxidant.
- Sever anxiety? High quality CBD that is purity tested is key! Full spectrum 1500mg MY FAVORITE HERE
I did
Yoga Nidra. No matter what your religious orientation is, it’s amazing and calming. This helped me so much with anxiety. It is free on YouTube. I made my intention ” my body is healing and removing all toxins I feel amazing” it is important that you find intention that feels good to you. I have created a healing guided meditation available
Here. I did no other detoxing prior to explant.
The Day of Explant:

This day should be a day of rest along with a few days to follow. Gentle liver support and detox tea.
1/2 Chamomile
1/2 Red clover tea
4 cups a day are used only organic high-quality herbs. Try for loose leaf to avoid metal staples steeping in the tea.
As you detox your organs its important to take special care of the liver. Milk thistle , selenium, beets, Niacin and a gallon of water with lemon are all wonderful ways to support the liver. Make sure you are drinking enough water.
This list isn’t meant to do all at once, starting slow, seeing which products work best for you and when to ease off or add more is personal . No two detox journeys will be the same.
How to properly measure how much water to drink a day? Take your body weight, cut that in 1/2, thats how may ounces you should consume daily.
Alkaline the body. Focus on alklaining foods. A guide
If you are a big meat eater this is a good time to focus on easy to digest proteins: Clean Poultry, fish and vegetable.
Make sure to add lots of greens! I use a green drink daily! Use food and food based products to alkaline. Make sure all the foods and product you use are organic. This cuts down on the chemical exposure. More Info
Remove other toxic exposure in your life! My tips
The Bemer mat is what I like to call the “cheat” Its a wonderful way to detox while supporting your body in so many ways. Its ONE function is to up your circulation. It can up your circulation up to 30% which is higher than any other modality! Including medication and exercise! Which in turn helps get oxygen to the brain and helps to detox the entire body! Including moving the lymph which as been found to be a huge issue for BII sufferers!
Starting the bemer for “explanters” : A few days prior to starting I upped my doses of Magnesium ( the benefits are magical- research). This will help to make sure you are going to the bathroom, it also helps with the fact that it may keep you up. Detoxing and all the new found blood and oxygen circulating is usually NEW for a body thats just explanted! It can keep you awake! Circulation and slow lymph drainage is a common BII trait.
You can watch the video
here! Shop Bemer
Things to look into:
EMF ( electro magnetic field) exposure. This is a growing danger. It seems to show more and more dangerous as the years go on.
Cellphone, 5G , earbuds ,,, you name it… we are surrounded! If you haven’t heard about Teslas Scalar energy benefits it time you do your research!
- Some of my favorite products to limit exposure and make your home safer for your family HERE
- To take along with you or for office HERE
- Or protect yourself from cellphone exposure HERE
Chemicals on mattresses, pillows and furniture ( look into organic mattresses
Saatva is one of my very favorites).
Wool carpets ( if you aren’t allergic ) are better! WHY? they are naturally flame resistant so they don’t have to spray them with flame retardants ( known to be
linked to cancers) !!
My favorite Organic Super Food support while detoxing
HERE ( 25% off coupon : darbyfit as mentioned earlier).
Need a good
post explant bra? This one is actually listed as a medical device but is also an amazing sports bra! I suggest going one size bigger! I love my black one!
Please Follow us on Social Media:
Podcast Mycrunchielife on : podbean , spotify , itunes
Disclaimer : We are not doctors. All of suggestions are from personal experience also through helping others some people will have stronger detoxing symptoms than others. Please do your own research and decide what is right for you.
I know diatomaceous earth works wonders also. Here is a site that has a ton of information on that. Just be sure you get the food grade. It is also available on Amazon. It even helps my dog!!! https://www.earthworkshealth.com/
Thats awesome
I stumbled across a niacin/exercise/sauna/bentonite clay detox. Have you heard of this? You take high mg doses of niacin which opens the cell walls to release fat, then you rigorously exercise to get the circulation going, next sauna to expel toxins through skin, and lastly clay (or charcoal) to remove any toxins left behind in the bowels. Apparently it was used with much success with firefighters who inhaled toxic chemicals in 911 and gulf war veterans exposed to toxic gases. I will try it after explant next week!
Congrats on your explant! That sounds like a wonderful detox! Let me know how it works for you! Also are you a part of our facebook community? Breast Implant Illness Detox and healing? biidetox.com
How are you feeling,I am aware of the protocol you just mentioned ♡♡♡
Much better 🙂
Yes Ive done this type of detox! 🙂 thx for stopping by!!