Heavy Metals toxicity and life today

Once upon a time I had extensive brain fog. Everyday by 3pm I felt like a wet grey blanket would be laying on my head. I was moody because I couldn’t function or focus. It was awful.

Something told me I may have extensive heavy metals. ( there are a lot of details that led up to that consideration, however I’ll leave those out for now).

Did you know heavy metals effect the way you think? Memory and even how the neurons in your brain communicate?

Also heavy metals mimic minerals. Confused, your body absorbs them into your bones. This is where your blood is made. So these metals travel all around your body… ending up in your brain.

Especially when mineral depleted. Did you know heavy metals effect the way you think? Memory and even now the neurons in your brain communicate?

Where do minerals come from? Historicity our soil used to be rich in minerals. Sadly that’s been over used and highly harvested. Often without proper rotation or time off. So now, we find the need for supplementation.

Where do heavy metals come from? Lately raining from the sky ( chem-trails). The pots and pans we use , plants our food is produced in, soil, soda cans, make up , glitter toys, chalk and so many other unsuspecting places.

Aluminum is link directly with Alzheimer’s. Guess what most carbonated beverages and in? Many older pots and pans, newer brands too. Metallic shimmers and face highlighters and frosty lip colors.

Some of my very favorite heavy metal detox is can be found here:
